The Competition
22nd November 2010, in Highlights, News/Blog ( Comments)
This is a nascent market, but 60 Works does share it with a few others. Here are some alternative outlets that could help contract a custom controller:
- custommidicontrollers.com: I know little about these folks, but the owner is a friend of a friend, and said friend (Moldover) vouches for him.
- Livid Industry: This is the OEM/Custom arm of Livid Instruments, maker of VJ/Music controllers and DIY MIDI brains.
- Craig Dorety: Another friend of a friend (Moldover strikes again). Craig has taught classes on making MIDI controllers.
- The Midibox Forum: The Midibox folks are staunchly anti-commercial, but you may be able to finagle a relationship with a forum member for a custom project. There are some hoops to jump through to acquire permission.
- DJ Tech Tools: They offer customized versions of their popular MIDI Fighter controller.
Why are you sharing this information?
60 Works is trying to attract motivated, educated customers. Comparison shopping is a business reality, so we will not stifle it.
January 11, 2011 11:46 pm
A Custom Shop for Music Gear, a “Third Deck” DJ Controller, and DIY Hardware Secrets
[...] course aware (and even credits) others in the field. There’s even a page dedicated to “the competition.” But I do think Dave is in more uncharted territory: the tech blog DJ Tech Tools, for [...]
February 20, 2011 5:09 am
Dave Cross (@60works)
Another Company:
September 21, 2011 3:36 pm
Dave Cross (@60works)
Another wonderful DIYer, specializing in Synthesizer-based designs: http://www.synth-project.de/Welcome.html
December 6, 2011 12:14 pm
Dave Cross (@60works)
Another one, with a lot of cred as an Open Labs designer: http://www.musiccomputing.com/odm